The Library
The College Library is located in the Vere Hole Resource Centre. It is primarily for the use of College residents. Residents may borrow from the whole library during library hours and can access their personal library accounts from the library homepage.
The most visible part of the library is the fiction collection and the Women’s Collection of feminist and gender studies books, in the Vere Hole Resource Centre; the bulk of the library is housed downstairs in the Stack. The Library holds around 16 000 items, and specialises in women’s history, gender studies, and English, Australian, and French literature. The Judith Robinson-Valéry collection of French literature, the Dale Spender Collection of feminist studies, and the wider Women’s Collection may be of interest to outside researchers, who should contact the College Librarian.
The Archives
The College Archives are located in the Vere Hole Resource Centre. They cover the full range of the College’s history, from its establishment in 1892 up to the present day. They also hold the personal papers of several of the College’s principals, including Louisa MacDonald (founding Principal) and Doreen Langley (Principal 1957-1974). The Archives reflect the life and work of the College, its residents, and its staff.
A great strength of the Archives is material relating to our alumnae. Please consider contacting us if you wish to make a donation.
We welcome inquiries from bona fide researchers interested in the College and its history. The Archives are staffed 1 day a week and are open to visitors by appointment only. Please send research enquiries to the College Archivist.